Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to boil an egg

Sounds simple right?  Takes some water, add eggs and then boil.

In reality, that is all there is to it.  Almost...

First of all, since you are a guy, supposedly, then you are trying to multi-task.  This is a no-no.  DO NOT start to boil eggs and then turn on a football game.  If you do, you will forget about the eggs until the smell of burnt eggs permeates your apartment.  When this happens, you will walk over to the oven to find all of the water has boiled away and the eggs, once cooked all the way through, began to explode.

While exploded eggs are still edible, probably, they may take a bit of dressing up.

Instead, do it this way.

Put as many eggs as you wish into a pot.  Add enough water to cover the eggs by about an inch or more.  Bring the water to boil, noting the exact time that the water reaches a rumbling boil.  As soon as it gets to that point, turn off the heat and allow the eggs to sit in the water for 11 minutes.

After 11 minutes, dump the hot water out and replace with cold water.  Wait a minute and then dump out the now-warm water and replace it with cold water and all of the ice you can find.  Allow the eggs to sit in the ice water for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, peel the eggs under running water.  You will find that the shell comes right off.  If you didn't add ice water or if you waited an hour, then the eggs don't peel as easily. The secret is that the cold water causes the egg and its shell to contract, however, they do this at different rates.  The egg will contract faster and thus, is basically "loose" inside the shell and peels easily.  If you wait too long, the shell will contract back around the egg.  I don't want this to sound too precise.   So long as you peel the eggs within 30 minutes of adding the ice, you should be fine.

And remember, no football until afterwards,


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